Saturday, September 14, 2013

Egg Drop Lab

Sahomy Rodriguez  ( H18 )                                                                                September 12, 2013                                                                 Partner: Genesis Quinonez                                                              

                                                                      Egg Drop Lab

Initial Design:                                    

     Hypothesis                                              Materials List                              Procedure
This structure will protect an egg             - cotton balls                My partner and I were going to               from a 20 ft throw.                                 - rubber bands           construct the structure by tieing the sticks
                                                                - shish kabob sticks    together into a pyramid. Secondly, put                                                                     - soft industrial wire   the egg in a pantyhose with cotton balls,
                                                                 - old pantyhose         tie the ends and tie it to the sticks. Lastly,
                                                                                                   cover the pyramid in a circular/sphere
                                                                                                   like shape so if the structure drops it will
                                                                                                           roll instead with the soft wire.


I thought the initial design was going to weigh too much in grams. So we changed our design and created a new structure from inspiration of a youtube video that shows a plastic bucket filled with cotton balls, secured with a lid and duck tape saved an egg from a 30 ft drop.
Mass of Structure w/o egg - 93.67 grams
Calculation - 2000/93.67 *10    

Total - 213 points = A :)
Mass of Structure with egg - 153 grams


Test 1 - I dropped the structure from standing on the tables in the H room which is about 11 ft. The egg was safe.

Test 2 - My partner Genesis threw the structure from the same location on top of the table and the egg again, survived.

Test 3 - Ms. Janik tossed the structure up high about 20 feet in the hallway and the egg survived once again after all those tests.

Post Lab Questions:

1.) Our final design was created with 4 rectangular pieces of a sponge, rubber bands, a plastic container, cotton balls, and a Styrofoam cup. We created a base in the container with cotton balls. Secondly, placed the cup on top of the base and surrounded the outside of the cup with the pieces of sponges. Then, put cotton balls in the cup as a base for the egg, placed the egg on top, covered the egg with more cotton balls, and covered the container with it's lid. Lastly, I secured the container by rubber bands round it holding the container with the lid shut.

2.) Our design was changed to this structure after thinking thoroughly about the initial design. We thought the initial designs' mass would just equal up to too much.

3.) The purpose of having multiple test drops of out structure was to make sure our structure would survive the final, graded test. So we would able to improve our structure and create a hypothesis.

4.) I believe my structure held the egg and protected it well with the use of protection and placement to hold the egg and keep it in place.

5.) If I could change my design in any way I would change it's mass. If the egg broke i would've gotten 10 points and gotten the lowest grade. But my fear of not enough protection held me back from reducing it's mass.